

Study the behind sentences -

Sita is a inoffensive hurting girl. (Girl of what to hand?)

I don't behind that boy. (Which boy?)

He gave me five mangoes. (How many mangoes?)

There is tiny times for preparation. (How much era?)

In the first sentence the word throbbing shows what comprehensible of girl sita is or in strange word the word cunning describes the woman sita.

In the second sentence, the word that refers to the child we are talking just roughly.

In the third sentence the word five shows how many mangoes he gave me.

In the fourth sentence, the word tiny shows how much epoch there is to prepare.

A word used in the middle of a noun that describes/or points to/or indicates the number (sum) of the person, animal, place or event referred to by the noun is called an adjective.

So we can define that an adjective is a word that comes behind a noun that tells special opinion approximately the noun.

Adjective means special instruction (accessory to).

Look at the later sentences 

The lazy boy was punished

The guy is lazy.

In the first sentence, the adjective lazy is used as an epithet or attribute bearing in mind the noun guy. Hence it is said to be used attributively.

In choice sentence the adjective lazy is used as soon as the verb is; and is a portion of the predicate. So this adjective is called Predicative.

Some adjectives can by yourself be used as Predicative.


She is frightened of ghosts.

I am quite accurately.

Kinds of adjectives:

Adjectives can be classified as follows.

Adjectives of Quality or Descriptive Adjectives operate the good-natured or character of a person or involve.


Kolkata is a large city.

He is an honest man.

The foolish pass crow tried to sing.

This is a Grammar of the English language.

(Adjectives formed from Proper Nouns (eg French wines, Turkish tobacco, Indian tea) are sometimes called Proper Adjectives. They are generally classified when attributive adjectives.)

What easy to ham it taking place to of adjectives of feel? Answer this ask.

Adjectives of Quantity How much is something? (how much is the dimension) shows this.


I ate some rice.

He showed much patience.

He has tiny penetration.

We have had satisfactory exercise.

He has lost all his huge sum.

You have no prudence.

He did not eat any rice.

Take pleasant care of your health.

He claimed his half allowance of the booty.

There has not been sufficient rain this year.

The cumulative was spent.

Quantitative adjectives (Adjectives of Quantity) How many in quantity? Answers the ask.

Adjectives of Number or Numeral Adjectives be in how many and lecture to to things or persons or the order in which persons or things are.

The hand has five fingers.

Few cats as soon as cool water.

There are no pictures in this stamp album.

I have taught you many things.

All men must die.

Here are some ripe mangoes.

Most boys when cricket.

There are several mistakes in your exercise.

Sunday is the first day of the week.

What is the number of Adjectives of Number? is used in answering this ask.

There are three types of number adjectives.

i. Definite Numeral Adjectives are those that denote precise numbers.


One, two, three, etc. These are cardinals.

First, second, third, etc. These are Ordinals.

(Cardinal indicates how many dimensions. Ordinal indicates the order of items in a series. Ordinals, it seems, are in fact functions of passionate adjectives. (See

ii. Indefinite Numeral Adjectives that reach not indicate a sure number.

E.g. All, no; many, few; some, any; certain, several, sundry.

iii. Distributive Numeral Adjectives that run to each person in a number.


Each guy must succession his slant.

India expects all man to do something his commitment.

Every word of it is treacherous.

Either pen will do.

On either side is a narrow passage.

Neither accusation is real.

Similar adjectives can be classified as Quantitative or Number according to their usage.


Quantitative Number Adjectives

Adjectives of Quantity Adjectives of Number

I ate some rice. Some boys are cunning.

He has drifting every one his massive quantity. All men must die.

You have no prudence. There are no pictures in this sticker album.

He did not eat any rice. Are there any mango-trees in this garden?

I have plenty sugar. There are not passable spoons.

Demonstrative Adjectives indicate what intend or person is swine referred to. What are Demonstrative Adjectives? Answer this investigate.

This boy is stronger than Hari.

That boy is industrious.

These mangoes are sou

Source : Google 

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