My favorite art literature

 My favorite art literature

Art is very important in human life. Kala is a Sanskrit word. Throughout history and our culture, art has been associated with beauty, beauty and happiness. Art is the expression of our inner feelings in a visual form with beauty. There are many types of art. Painting, dance, sculpture, musical instrument, literature, writing, music, poetry etc. are some of the major forms of art.

But my favorite art is literary art. Literature plays an important role in making society healthy. It is said that literature is the mirror of society. Literature awakens the senses in the society. Ancient and modern stories, epics and sacred books are known as literature. History and historical events can be understood only with the help of literature.

With the help of literature we can write down our thoughts through pen. There have been many great people in our country who have written many famous poems, novels, stories, essays and novels through the medium of literature. Literary art has the power to bring inanimate characters to life. True literature is that which has high thought, the essence of beauty, the spirit of independence, the spirit of creation and the truth of life.

I also like to write poems and articles. I have written and sent many articles to our local newspaper. I have written on social and educational topics. I was also paid an honorarium of Rs 500 for an article on the effects of smoking. I write something every day. Writing is my hobby. My dream is to become a model writer in future.

Literature provides the ability to see the world in a new way. Literature imparts faith to the reader, instructs and encourages him to make right decisions by imparting moral education. In the present times literature has endowed many libraries. It has created humanity and curiosity in people's minds. Literature always reflects the era in which it was written. By studying literature we can understand the special things of that particular period. When we study literature, we notice the appropriate style of language.

In Marathi literature, Kusumagraj or Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar is called the father of Marathi literature. Apart from this there are famous writers like Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar, Purushottam Laxman Deshpande, Prahlad Keshav Atre, Shivaji Sawant, Vinda Karandikar etc. Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti, Bhanubhatta etc. in Sanskrit literature and Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, John Keats are famous writers in English language.

Literature Music Art Without:

Trinam na khadnapi jivaman: , tad bhag deyam param pashunam

According to this verse, a man who lives without literature, music or art is truly a beast without tail and horns. Such organisms survive by eating food without eating grass. A person who lives without art is called an animal in our culture. This means that literature as an art is very important in our life and this art fills us with knowledge from time to time. That is why it is said that love art and your life will be happy.

Source: Google

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