


Immortal x Death

plus x minus

Recently beyond x

Difficult x Easy

end x start

constant x variable

Correct x Incorrect

Rustic x Wise

Arrest x Release

Heavy rain x lack of rain

Too much x too little

Artha x Anartha

Favorable x unfavorable

Pride x Pride

Narrow x Wide

Impossible x Possible

Darkness x Light

Sunset x Start

Difficulty x Ease

Weak x Strong

Partial x Complete

Amulya x Kavadimol

x is not

Disappointment x Fulfillment

Bedding x Coverings

Start x End

Remembering x Forgetting

Hope x Despair

Now after x

in x out

Happiness x Sadness

came x gone

is not x

Lazy x Industrious

Attraction x Repulsion

Sky x Abyss

Eagerness x Indifference

Rough x Smooth

ideal x non-ideal

Favorite x floats

Necessary x Unnecessary

Commandment x Disobedience

before x after

Lead x Lag

Freedom x Slavery

Blessing x Curse

Aastha x Aastha

Respect x Disrespect

horizontal x vertical

Blind x Eye

Wet x Dry

Identity x Unknown

Here x there

Here x there

Desirable x Undesirable

Honesty x dishonesty

Desire x Reluctance

Cure x Nilaj

Open x Close

High x Low

Light x Dark

Sad x Exhilarated

vertical x horizontal

Umed x Margal

tall x tall

Descent x Ascent

Excellent x Inferior

Opening x Closing

Sad x Happy

Borrowing x Cash

Benevolence x Deed

Exhortation x Badsalla

Useful x useless

Remedy x useless

Reverse x Solt

Sun x Shade

rising x setting

late x early

Stimulus x Aversion

Excitement x discouragement

Rude x Humble

Generous x Stingy

Once x often

Aitdar x Kewilwana

Harkash x Sanjul

Hard x Soft

Confession x Nakbool

Hard x Easy

Well being x ill health

Industrious x Kama Thieving

Boredom x Excitement

Black x White

Legal x Illegal

Appreciation x Condemnation

Cruel x Kind

Dry x Wet

Min x Max

Kyiv x Rage

Grateful x Ungrateful

Gratitude x Agratitude

Fame x Infamy

True x False

Sure x Doubt

down to x

Gluttony x Gluttony

Open x Shahana

Too little x

Buy x Sell

Hot x Cold

Muddy x Clean

Prose x Verse

Village x City

Dew x Heat

Customer x Vendor

Master x Disciple

Gupta x Ugad

Merit x Demerit

Praise x Nida

Sweet x Bitter

White x Black

Minor x Major

Uphill x Downhill

Ascent x descent

Agile x Lazy

Good x Bad

wrong x correct

Chor x Gollis

Toddler x Older

Long lived x short lived

Tight x Loose

small x big

Small x Large

Heavy x Light

Win x Lose

Birth x Death

Nearest x Longest

Live x Die

Accumulated x Expenditure

If x then

Fast x Slow

Awake x Sleep

More x less

Aware x Careless

Awake x Asleep

going x coming

Alive x Dead

Win x Lose

Old x New

As much as x

Passion x Boredom

sleep x wake

hut x palace

Scarcity x Abundance

Durable x Brittle

bold x dim

Left x Right

Elegant x Extravagant

Young x Old

Thirst x Hunger

Sparse x Dense

Fresh x Stale

Rhythm x Betal

Bright x Dull

diagonal x straight

cold x hot

cold x heat

Large x Small

Elder x Younger

A little x more

Mercy x Anger

Kind x Tyrant

Dense x Sparse

Deen x Raat

Day x Night

Durit x Sajjan

Sadness x happiness

Drought x Dryness

Wicked x Good

Patriot x Traitor

Strong x weak

Dharma x Adharma

Courage x Cowardice

Gray x Clear

Profit x Loss

New x Old

Humility x Rudeness

Fragile x Rath

Sleep x wakefulness

Sermal x Malkat

Invited x visitors

Condemnation x praise

restriction x freedom

Inanimate x Animate

Frustrated x Excited

Unarmed x Armed

Fearless x Fearful

Servant x Master

Always x Rarely

Loss x gain

Leader x Follower

Justice x Injustice

Paved x Raw

Fall x hit

Mighty x Cowardly

Alien x Own

First x Last

Beyond x recently

Permit x Prohibition

Light x Dark

Question x Answer

Honesty x deceit

Ancient x Ancient China

Loving x Angry

Love x Hate

Huge x Tiny

Direct x Indirect

Resistance x Cooperation

Proportion x Proportion

Progression x Degradation

sin x virtue

Patra x Apratra

Base x Peak

White x Black

start x end

Front x Back

A lot x a little

Complete x Incomplete

East x West

Full Moon x New Moon

Dear x Unpleasant

Fraudulent x obvious

Gain x loss

Very little x

Bloom x fade

Buy x for free

light x dark

Honor x Disgrace

Right x Wrong

Strong x Weak

Sitting x Standing

Close x Open

Bondage x Freedom

Rebellion x Order

Child x Elderly

outside x inside

Breakdown x repair

Intelligent x Unintelligent

Intelligent x Unintelligent

Reckless x Cautious

Flamboyant x Gentle

Tide x Tide

Abundant x slow

good x bad

Strong x Weak

Fear x Abhay

Fierce x Mild

Fearful x Fearless

Gorgeous x Tiny

Bhasada x Manjul

Tide x Ebb

Bhan x Bebham

Indian x Non-Indian

Lucky x Unlucky

Quarrel x Reconciliation

Beggar x Moneylender

Hunger x Thirst

Bhushan x Doshan

Great x Petty

Sweet x Bitter

Palace x hut

soft x firm

Dim x Intense

Gentle x raucous

Mother x Father

Head x Foot

My x Father

Master x Servant

Honor x Humiliation

Maya x Hatred

Back x Face

Accepted x Invalided

old x young

Erased x Opened

Friend x Foe

Friendship x Enmity

big x small

Open x Closed

Silence x chatter

Death x Life

soft x hard

Dumb x Talkative

Fool x Wise

Success x Failure

Success x Failure

Beggar x Donor

will come x will go

Correct x Incorrect

Guard x Killer

Cry x Smile

Anger x Greed

King x Rank

Tasty x Bitch

Handsome x Ugly

linear x coarse

empty x filled

Road x Strong

Smallness x bigness

Attention x attention

early x late

Liar x Naive

Fraud x Honesty

Rhythm x Start

Attention x Ignorance

Ladke x navadete

near long x

Length x Width

Lechapecha x Strong

Greedy x Greedy

Curved x Straight

Use x Abuse

Old x Young

Thought x thoughtlessness

Student x Teacher

Faith x Disbelief

Delay x Haste

Special x General

Scholar x Rustic

Venom x Amrit

Opposite x Support

Forgetting x Remembering

Crazy x Wise

At speed x gradually

Orderly x Disorganized

Enemy x Friend

City x Village

Auspicious x ominous

Curse on x

doubt x certainty

End x Start

Inhale x Exhale

Peak x Base

Hunter x Savage

Disciplined x Undisciplined

Shiksha x Shabashki

Cool x Hot

Cold x like this

Possible x Impossible

Shenda x Budkha

pure x impure

Brave x Coward

Rich x Poor

superior x inferior

Morning x Evening

Gentleman x Villain

Virtue x Vice

polite x rude

Vigilant x Restless

Light x dull

Satisfaction x Dissatisfaction

Bright x dull

equal x unequal

Prosperity x Poverty

True x False

Straight x Crooked

Dialogue x Dialogue

Clean x Dirty

independent x variable

Healthy x Restless

Self interest x altruism

Home x Abroad

Praise x Blame

Cheap x Expensive

Subordinate x Subordinate

Welcome x Farewell

Selfishness x altruism

Selfish x Selfless

clear x unclear

Careful x Careless

Adventurer x Coward

Worthy x worthless

Similarities x Differences

San x Thor

slowly x quickly

public x private

Small x Large

Community x Individual

Stable x Unstable

Famous x Infamous

Safe x Insecure

happiness x sadness

Released x Arrested

Educated x Uneducated

Fragrance x Odor

Beautiful x Ugly

Lucky x Unlucky

start x end

Subhashit x Kubhashit

Sunrise x Sunset

Easy x Hard

Convenience x Disadvantage

Courtesy x Rudeness

Servant x Master

Slow x Fast

laugh x cry

Light x Heavy

Present x Absent

Smiling x Crying

Lose x Win

Courage x Fear

Violent x Non-violent

Excited x Excited

Interest x Disadvantage

Accountable x Unaccountable

Inferior x Superior

Clever x Bold

Yes x No

Forgiveness x Punishment

Knowledge x Ignorance

मराठी विषयातील इतर निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

हिंदी विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

English विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

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