Population Growth - Causes, Effects and Solutions
The population of India in 1941 was 31.86 crores. And by 2011, this population increased to 121 crores. Today's situation is that one out of six people in the world is an Indian. According to experts, India will become the most populous country in the world by 2030 if the population explosion in India is not curbed.
According to the 2011 census, the total population of India is 125 crores. This population is 17.5% of the total population of the world. Our country India is the second most populous country in the world after China (134.1 crore). The total population of India is equal to the total population of all countries like America, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and this population is increasing day by day.
What is population?
The total number of people living in cities, districts, taluks and villages of any country is called population of the country. The country and the whole world have to suffer the consequences due to the increase in population beyond the requirement. Next we have mentioned loksankhya vadhiche parinam and some measures to reduce population.
What is population growth?
An increase in the number of people in any country, city and region means population growth. Population growth is a major problem facing the world including India.
In simple terms, population growth is defined as a situation where there is a large increase in population when the death rate decreases and the birth rate increases in a country is also known as 'Population Bispot'.
Causes of population growth
1) Average annual birth rate in India during 1951 to 1961 was 42/thousand. In the year 2011, this birth rate decreased to 24.8/thousand. In the same manner, the death rate was 27/thousand during the period from 1951 to 1961. Which decreased to 8/thousand in 2011. This resulted in a slight decrease in the birth rate but a large decrease in the death rate, which widened the gap between the birth rate and the death rate. The increasing gap between the two is the first reason behind the growing population.
2) Increasing scientific and medical advances have made drugs for many diseases widely available. The use of these drugs has greatly reduced the infant mortality rate. So this is a positive step. But due to these advances in the field of science, the population of the country has increased in the last few decades.
3) Illiteracy is another reason behind the growing population of the country. A large population of our country is illiterate. Due to lack of proper knowledge of family planning, these people give birth to more than 2 children. And this increases the population of the country.
4) Some religious conservatives in the country oppose the adoption of family planning laws. which increases their population.
5) Another reason behind the growing population is poverty in the country. Many poor parents only have children because they need financial support. These children are engaged in child labor and other labor jobs at a young age.
Effects of population growth
The increasing population has a direct effect on the life of the people of the country. After independence, unprecedented progress was made in agriculture and industry in our country. But even after this economic progress, the per capita income of the country did not increase. The growing population has hindered the progress of the country.
1) Pressure on country's resources:
If a country's population is growing at a high rate, it puts pressure on the infrastructure and resources available in that country. When the demand for electricity, petrol, diesel, transport, food, water, houses etc. increases, shortage of those things starts to arise. As a result, inflation increases and the country gets stuck in the cycle of poverty.
2) Decline in standard of living of people:
It is a very common thing that when the earners are less and the eaters are more, there will not be food, clothing etc. according to the physical needs. This problem has arisen in many villages in India today, where deprivation of basic facilities reduces the standard of living of the people.
मराठी विषयातील इतर निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
हिंदी विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
English विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
Source: Internet
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