Autobiography of Umbrella

 Autobiography of Umbrella

Autobiography of Umbrella

I'm talking about an umbrella. Mine is used extensively during rainy days. I protect you from the rain during monsoon. Apart from this, these days I am also used in summer. I am used to protect the body from the intense heat of summer days.

I block the rainwater that falls during monsoon and throw it aside. Apart from this, it also protects you from the sun's rays in summer. But mostly I am used only in rain. You can easily see me around on rainy days. In these rainy days, I become very useful. I am very well taken care of these days. I am held in love and respect.

I am colorful and come in different colors. But mostly people buy me in black colors. Whatever the color, our work is the same. My different forms are available in the market even before the onset of monsoon. Long poles and collapsible umbrellas are widely sold. But people prefer folding umbrellas. Because this form of mine can be folded and kept in bags and pouches.

I have fun during the rainy season. But on the other hand, after four months of rainy season, I lie in the corner of the house. Waiting for when the rain will come and when someone will open me and touch the cold rain. I like to help people. I save everyone, whether male or female, from getting drenched in the rain.

Often I have to face a difficult crisis due to monsoon storms. Rain and stormy winds try to blow me away. A large amount of air often breaks my wires. In such a broken state I was unable to protect my master properly. But somehow I save myself from getting wet.

I hope that the existence I have today will remain the same in the future. I am born to serve mankind. And I am very happy to do this duty of mine.

मराठी विषयातील इतर निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

हिंदी विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

English विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा

Source: Internet

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