Importance of sports in Education

 Importance of sports in Education

Importance of health in life

Health is the cornerstone of life. Only a healthy person can complete his life related tasks well. In our country the body is considered as the instrument of religion. That is why it is said – 'Sharimadyam Khalu Dharmasadhanam'.

Similarly, many proverbs have also become prevalent in relation to health; For example, 'First happiness is a healthy body', 'One health is a thousand blessings', 'If there is life, then there is a world' etc. The meaning of all these proverbs is that man should first take care of his health. Bharatenduji had said

Drink milk, exercise, regularly chant the name of Hari.

Work with courage, all Ram will complete.

We get this health through exercise or sports.

The relationship between education and sports

It can be said indisputably that there is an essential relationship between education and sports. If education makes all round development of man, then the first part of that development is physical development. Physical development is possible only through exercise and sports. Therefore, it is not possible to complete the process of education without making sports or games compulsory.

Other mental, moral or spiritual developments are also indirectly associated with sports and exercise. This is the reason that along with book education in every school, education of sports and exercise is also given compulsorily.

Exercise teacher, Scout master, NDSI in schools. Adi teachers are appointed so that every child can participate in sports according to their interest under their supervision and can make their health strong and strong.

Importance of sports and exercise in education – In a narrow sense, education is understood to mean acquiring bookish knowledge and developing mental development, but in a broader sense, education does not mean only mental development, but physical, character and spiritual development i.e. from all round development.

Physical development is necessary for all-round development and sports and exercise have special importance for physical development. In other areas of education also, sports have the ultimate utility, which can be known in the following forms-

 Physical development - Physical development is the main and first step of education, which is never possible without sports and exercise. Often the complete infancy of the child is also spent in sports. By playing sports, a balance is established in the different parts of the body, energy is generated in the body, blood circulation is done properly and each part is strengthened. A healthy child has a greater ability to absorb bookish knowledge; Therefore, there is an urgent need for sports and exercise to facilitate book education.

 From the point of view of mental development, sports are also very important. A healthy body is the basis of a healthy mind. There is also a saying in this regard that 'Healthy mind in a healthy body'; That is, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

A person weak from the body, suffering from various diseases and worries, becomes mentally weak and irritable. He soon forgets what he reads and writes; So he is not able to get education. Sports not only increase physical strength, but also keep cheerfulness, cheerfulness and enthusiasm in the mind.

 Moral Development –   Sports play a major role in the moral development of the child. Sports develop physical and mental stamina, patience and courage and a sense of collective fraternity and harmony. Children become accustomed to accept the events happening in life with a playful spirit and reach the highest peak of success by overcoming the obstacles in the way of education and attainment.

 Spiritual Development –   Sports also help indirectly in spiritual development. All the qualities which are needed for spiritual living are present in the player. A yogi experiences happiness and sorrow, loss and gain or victory and defeat with equal feelings.

In the field of play, players definitely achieve some success in the direction of developing this equanimity. They play the game as their duty. In this way, sports also have an important place in spiritual development.

Source: Internet

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