My favorite animal dog
My favorite animal is dog and we also have a dog in our house, his name is Moti. Moti is very brave, white in color and has a crooked tail with big ears. His eyes are brown. Moti is like a member of our family. I like him very much. I play with him morning and evening. I also take him for a walk every day.
On my 10th birthday, my father brought me pearls as a gift. Pearls are one of the most favorite gifts I have ever received. He has been with us for 4 years now. Moti and I are very close friends. If I ask him to sit, he sits, if I ask him to stand, he stands and if I ask him to run with me, he runs. In short, Moti obeys all my commands.
A dog, whatever it is, is a very useful animal, it is because of them that the house feels safe. No stranger dares to enter the house in his presence. Not only we but also our neighbors feel safe because of Moti dog. His bark sounds like a tiger's roar. Even if it is him, other dogs do not even come near our house. If any stranger comes to our house or neighborhood, Moti barks and alerts everyone. But if he is asked to sit quietly, he immediately listens and calms down.
I take very good care of Moti. Feeding him, bathing him, taking him for daily walks e. I do things on time. My father also takes me to the vet clinic once a month for a check up. Our dog is a complete vegetarian we have never fed him mass. His favorite food is honey and milk. Moti understands our speech very well. Obeys us. He is very loyal, brave and cute. So I am proud of my pet dog Moti.
Today Moti and many different breeds of dogs like him are bred all over the world. Police solve big cases only with the help of dogs. These dogs have an amazing sense of smell. They detect the robbers and thieves by smelling them. These dogs can be assigned to airports, police stations, country borders and schools. Apart from this, many trekkers use hunting dogs for hunting during trekking. Hounds also hunt wolves.
Dogs are found all over the world. A dog is a very loyal and honest animal. His intellect is brilliant, his sense of smell is sharp and his eyesight is sharp.
मराठी विषयातील इतर निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
हिंदी विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
English विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
Source: Internet
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