If I Were The Prime Minister !
It is the most magnificent dream that could make me forget my student life. The office of the prime minister seems so distant that it is beyond the reach of ordinary people. India has a population of over 1,000 million. So my chance of becoming the prime minister is one upon 1,000 million.
I have my own ideal of what a prime minister should be. There is no harm in expressing my ideas. If fortune ever smiles on me, I can modify my views according to the situation.
My first target would be to eliminate black money. When I find some people rolling in wealth and others begging on the streets, my heart revolts. Is this the India of Gandhi’s dream? Some people do not pay taxes and keep the money stocked in some secret places. This money is used for wrong purposes. We urgently need foreign exchange but it is being used for buying gold and luxuries.
I would change the whole system of education. We produce battalions of young people for whom we cannot arrange jobs. They would naturally be frustrated and add to unproductive section of the population. We should teach vocational skills to our students so that they can make useful things in the school workshops. They can also make them in the school laboratories.
Little children can assemble small toys, pens, watches and electronic goods. These things can be sold in the market. Their hard work gives them the confidence to do something in their life. They would prove to be useful citizens of our country. However, children would also be required to study in the morning or evening schools. So far few politicians have brought in any significant and positive change. They seek votes in the name of caste, community and religion. They instigate different communities to fight. The places of worship are no longer just that. Religion is the personal affair of every citizen and it should not be used as an election device.
I would try to keep a friendly relationship with the neighbouring countries. That would help all of us in many ways.
I would invite the teams from all the nations to play in India and send our own teams to those nations. We would not exchange bullets but balls in order to promote universal fraternity, peace and harmony. No person in India would be allowed to criticise our opponents and the same would also be expected by those nations. The money spent so. far on the purchase of arms and ammunition, would be spent for the welfare of poor and small children. I would make India a heaven on earth!
मराठी विषयातील इतर निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
हिंदी विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
English विषयातील निबंध पाहण्यासाठी क्लिक करा
Source: Internet
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